Sunday, November 05, 2006

Saddam found guilty

This verdict while not surprising puts an end to a very murdurous regime that lasted for nearly 2 decades. Security has been tight in Baghdad enlight of a verdict negative or positive. Several senior leaders in the former regime were also found guilty of acts during that regime. Saddam is expected to appeal the verdict which could take sometime. When all of the appeals are exhausted he will be executed by hanging.
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Thursday, November 02, 2006

Political parties vying for control of Congress

The Democrat and Republican Parties are in an all out political war to control the majority in Congress. Republicans are trying to shore up their base which has been dismayed by rampant spending, the War in Iraq and Capitol Hill scandals. However the Democrats have not been able to effectively capitalize on the misfortunes of the republicans. Democrats have yet to offer a viable alternative which is why experts say that democrats are struggling to get traction against their republican opponents. More money has been spent on TV advertising than any other midterm in recent memory. While the democrats have a strong possibility of regaining control of congress that is less likely in the Senate. Consequently the ad wars have been the nastiest that we have seen in recent years. With so many races in a virtual dead and control of congress at stake experts say that candidates are likely to fight it out the end.
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