Saturday, March 31, 2007

Bush threatens veto

President Bush continued his threat to veto legislation that would force a timetable for US forces to withdraw from Iraq. In a test of political wills the Senate passed a bill that would require the Bush administration to set timetables. The bill is likely to get vetoed by the president and the Democrats will likely be forced to withdraw that provision. Bush urged the congress to act quickly on this defense appropriation because they will need the money by the middle of the month. The congress is on a two week recess.
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Bush backs embattled AG Gonzalez

Despite the firestorm of controversy surrounding the firings of several federal prosecutors the White House continues to support Attorney General Gonzalez. The White House released a statement in support of the embattled Attorney General after his former Chief of Staff suggested that Gonzalez made statements that were contrary to internal email communications. The Senate has been adament about finding out why these US Attorneys were fired. The White House defended the decision on the grounds that US Attorneys serve at the pleasure of the president thus are political appointments not civil servants. The controversy comes because it was thought that the federal prosecutors were fired for incompetence not politics. The White House also stated that the federal prosecutors were fired because they were not following the presidents priorities.
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Sunday, March 25, 2007

UN approves sanctions against Iran

The UN Security Council approves sanctions against Iran for continuing its nuclear program. The US and its European allies have been trying for many months to try and get Iran to suspend its nuclear program because they believe its being developed for military rather than civilian use. Iran has stated that they will not be reporting to the UN. Iran must be careful because unlike Iraq Iran doesnt have as many friends when it comes this issue.
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Congress vs The White House

As the democrats took over the Congress in November the White House has had a much more hostile relationship with the Congress. The current controversy is a prime example of payback by congressional democrats who say that republicans failed to provide adequate oversight of the White House. Congress has held numerous hearings including the War in Iraq. Congress held a vote this week to provide funding for the war which was requested by the president but was contingent on an exit strategy of early 08. With a significant number of Senators running for president in 08, the Senate is likely to get just as political as the US House. Dont feel too much sympathy for the White House as republicans have privately complained that the White House has not done a good job of explaining its policy and strategy goals. Rather they have just wanted to execute their strategy and expected that republicans would fall in line. While they were willing to do that in the first time most republicans are now looking for answers.
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