Sunday, November 25, 2007

Korean National Assembly authorizes probe into Samsung Group

The Korean National Assembly has approved a bill that would investigate Samsung Group for corruption and bribery. It also sets up an independent counsel to investigate the group. President Roh had threatened to veto the bill. The National Assembly is reportedly likely to have enough votes to override a presidential veto. The probe comes amidst a presidential election which is scheduled to be held on Dec. 19th. The investigation would not be done until after the election.
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Australian PM defeated

Australia's Prime Minister John Howard was defeated in recent parliamentiary elections. Howard was a staunch ally with the US under the Bush Administration. He clearly and passionately believed that going after the terrorists in Iraq was the appropriate way to defeat terrorism as a global strategy. The US may have lost Australia as an ally but gained the support of France and Germany who after recent elections are supporters of the US and Bush Administration. Australia announced that it plans to pull out of Iraq.
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Thursday, November 15, 2007

Emergency Director fired

The MNDOT Emergency Director was formally fired after failing to effectively manage a crisis situation. The director was on the east coast when the 35W Bridge collapse took place. The director failed to return to MN to manage one of the biggest crisis in the history of MN. She was also under investigation prior to the bridge collapse. She was also accused of using her business cellphone for personal use.
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Sunday, November 11, 2007

Pakistan continues under Emergency Rule

Pakistani president Musharraf promised to hold parliamentary elections in a few months after being pressed by Secretary of State Rice and Pres. Bush. The White House and the State Department is currently reviewing its foreign aid package to Pakistan. Pakistan is currently receiving reimbursements from the US government to fight the War on Terror. Bush wants Musharraf to resign his position as the head of the Army. Musharraf fired most of the supreme court justices including the chief justice when a report from the court was expected to rule the recent election invalid. Pakistan is also currently a nuclear power.
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Saturday, November 03, 2007

Pakistani President declares Marshal law

President Mushareff declared Marshall law after the he learned that the recent election that he won would be ruled unconstitutional. He also replaced the Chief Justice. US Secretary of State Rice strongly condemned the move stating that this was a strategy that would backfire. The White House also condemned the move. Pakistan is the chief ally for the United States on the War on Terror. It is believed that Bin Laden is hiding out between the Afghan and Pakistani border.
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