Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Wisconsin primary expected to be close for Dems.

html hit counter Senators Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton are locked in battle for delegates in Wisconsin as both try to gain momentum to be the standard bearer for the democratic party. Both candidates are close in delegate count but Obama has won the last eight states giving him a significant momentum advantage. Hillary's firewall is expected to be on March 4th with delegate rich Ohio and Texas.
Senator John McCain is expected to lock up the nomination soon as he is coming close to the 1191 delegates needed for the republican endorsement. Former President George Bush endorsed McCain in Texas signaling that party leaders are ready to wrap this thing up. While Huckabee remains in the race he is scene as a long shot and would be statistically difficult to overcome McCains lead.

Castro resigns

After serving nearly 50 years as Cuba's leader Castro announced he will not accept another term as the leader of Cuba. His brother Raoul is expected to fill the vacancy. Castro has not been seen publicly for quite sometime.
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Saturday, February 16, 2008

Obama and McCain likely nominees

Senator Barack Obama and John McCain are likely to be their respective party nominees come this fall. Although the race for democrats is much tighter than the republicans. Huckabee is hopelessly falling further behind in the delegate count, momentum and endorsements by key GOP officials. A McCain rival former presidential candidate Mitt Romney also endorsed McCain. There could be a battle for delegates and super delegates as the race for the democratic primary remains close. Obama however continues to build momentum while Hillary faulters.
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Saturday, February 09, 2008

Congress passes stimulus package

In a rare moment of bipartisanship the House and Senate passed a stimulus package in hopes of staving off or slowing down a recession. Some were concerned that the Senate would add more items to the bill to which Treasury Secretary Paulson was concerned that the bill would get too big and unpassable. Bush had warned congress earlier that he wanted a clean bill to sign. Checks are expected to begin in early May and will be based on the 2007 tax return.
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