Friday, November 13, 2009

Pres. Obama travels to Asia

Pres. Obama travels to Asia for Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation summit in Singapore while also dealing with a decsion to send additional troops to Afghanistan.
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Saturday, August 15, 2009

Health Care reform on life support

Pres. Obama today stumped in Montana to shore support for Health care reform. The road to Health care reform has been a bumpy ride for him. Several weeks ago the blue dog democrats forced a change in the bill that would be strip language regarding government run health care. Members of congress have been pelted with questions from constituents about the cost of health care and general concern among many that the government is spending too much money without their consent. As the president pushes for health care reform democrats could be vulnerable if they pass a bill that is not politically popular that could affect the 2010 mid term elections.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Pres. Obama pushes for Health Care Reform

President Obama continued to press the congress for his passage for health care reform. He stated it was part of his strategy to turn the economy around. Meanwhile on Capitol Hill several committees have wrestled with several bills designed to give more affordable access to health carewhich has been unreachable to approximately 43 milllion Americans. The White House has urged congress to get a bill to the president desk before the August recess.
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Sunday, May 31, 2009

Obama picks Sotomayer for Supreme Court

President Obama announced his first pick for the US Supreme Court to fill the vacancy of retired Justice David Souter. Sotomayer is currently a federal appeals court judge.
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Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Obama gets first Supreme Court appointment

With the retirement of Justice David Souter President Obama will have his first opportunity at naming a Justice to the highest court. The president himself is a lawyer and former law professor. Rumor has it that Obama is likely to pick a woman or minority to fill the vacancy.
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Fed Chairman says Economy will rebound

In statement to Congress Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke stated that the economy would likely rebound later this year. He however cautioned his remarks stating that this recovery would be slow and not to expect great results any time soon. Most economic experts believe that the economy will stop getting worse.
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Sunday, May 03, 2009

H1N1 Flu

The US government renamed the Swine Flu because of its false implications to the pork industry. Pork prices fell by almost 20% due to confusion of the swine flu which has killed several in Mexico City. Many countries have already confirmed cases of the flu which has many symptoms of the common flu. Health officials have advised anyone having the symptoms to stay home but also stated that last year 36,000 were killed by the traditional flu. In a unrelated story the Health and Human Services Secretary the Governor of Kansas was sworn in as well as the former Governor of Washington state for Commerce Secretary.
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