Sunday, December 23, 2012

US inching closer to fiscal cliff

The president and congress went into recess for the Christmas Break. Despoten a fiscal crisis Looping when they Return to Washington. The fiscal Cliff was Self imposed by the Super Committee which Institutes automatic spending cuts due to the size of the budget deficit. Currently the national debt surpasses the national GDP.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

White House, Senate spar over Benghazi

The White House and Senate republicans continued the public debate over what the White House knew. Complicating the matter is the US ambassador to the UN comments stating that it was a protest and not a terrorist attack. Rice is reportedly being considered for Secretary of State

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Protesters react to power grab in Egypt

President Morsi has announced that certain actions by the government are temporarily not subject to judicial review. This has brought concern to protesters because Muvarack had also initiated emergency powers to establish a legitimate government. However those laws in effect became in practice permanent. This raises questions about whether this is for his politi al party the Muslim Beotherhood.

Wednesday, November 07, 2012

Barack Obama re-elects for President of the United States

Tuesday night president Obama won his second term as president. Despite a weak economy. Pundits say the campaigns ground game and auto bailout of Detroit significantly increased his odds. Also his handling of Hurricane Sandy with FEMA.
The next big issue for the administration will be the fiscal cliff which imposes across the board cuts in domestic and military if there is no budget agreement.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Sarkozy faces runoff

French president Sarkozy now faces a runoff after he was one of two top candidates in the first round of voting

Hatch faces primary in Utah

Failing to reach 60percent Utah Senator Orrin Hatch is facing a primary opponent. Hatch does not want to face the prospect that another Senator from Utah faced from the Tea Party supporters who saw him as more of an establishment republican.

Friday, April 13, 2012

International community condemns NK launch

The international community condemned the actions of North Korea as the launch of the satellite failed. Many countries put themselves on high alert in the region. The UN was set to meet and respond to the situation. The US suspended its aid of humanitarian aid to the country. The rocket was thought to have a range of 4000 miles. Enough range to reach AK or HI.

Monday, February 06, 2012

US closes embassy in Syria

Amid a growing conflict in Syria, officials decided to close the US embassy stating that it is not safe right now. Britain has recalled it's ambassador to reconsider their options.

Sunday, February 05, 2012

Romney wins NV, frontrunner

Romney has now had two consecutive victories in Florida and Nevada. Gingrich's campaign is now on the ropes because his super PAC donor is considering backing Romney.  Gingrich simply does not have the resources to compete in multiple states in terms of organization and money.  Romney has had a few gaffes recently with the "I dont care about poor people" and the one in NH about "I like to fire people." Bottom line is that the republican establishment likes him and trusts him.  He may not be the conservatives candidate but then are they electable. I will argue that this year we did not have a conservative who was electable.  

Ron Paul is simply in a leage of his own.  Most republicans cringe at the thought of a Paul foreign policy strategy which practically ignores the reality we are in.  We are still a super power. We are the only country who is willing and able to stop dictators from destroying the global structure as we know it. html hit counter

Sunday, January 22, 2012

SOPA,PIPA dead--for now

Leaders on Capitol Hill were forced to table a bill aimed at stopping Internet piracy. Advocates of the bill argued that it was needed to stem the flow of illegal content coming into the United States. The bill was tabled when prominent Internet companies expressed concern that it would stymie free speech. The bill is expected to be introduced in a revised form to address concerns that people had with the current version.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Syria continues crackdown

Last fall the Arab Spring began. The president of Syria is not about to allow the protesters prevail. The Arab League has threatened to punish Syria for killing innocent protesters. So time will tell who will be the last one standing.

US and Iran continue to spar

In an ongoing war of words between the US and Iran continues as Oran defies demands by the West to halt development of weapons grade uranium.
The EU is also taking action voting on sanctions against Iran. Specifically boycotting oil.
Iran earlier had threatened to block the Strait of Hormuz but the US called on their bluff.