Monday, June 05, 2006

Bush urges Senate to pass constitutional ban on gay marriage

The US Senate is scheduled to take up a debate on a constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage. While the amendment is not likely to pass there will still likely be vigorous debate. While the motives for bringing this bill forward may be political there are real policy implications. Whether you agree with the bill or not there are some practical implications. It will only be a matter of time before the issue is decided. The question is who will decide Congress or the courts. Since there are not likely enough votes in the Congress to pass it at this point most likely the Supreme Court will issue a ruling. But at least the peoples voice will be heard through the congress. One of the reasons why this becomes a federal issue because it crosses state lines. The court will have to determine which part of the constitution applies in this situation the full faith and credit clause or equal protection clause. So why would the federal government get involved in marriage which is primarily a state issue? Because the states have soverignty over one another.
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