Saturday, March 31, 2007

Bush threatens veto

President Bush continued his threat to veto legislation that would force a timetable for US forces to withdraw from Iraq. In a test of political wills the Senate passed a bill that would require the Bush administration to set timetables. The bill is likely to get vetoed by the president and the Democrats will likely be forced to withdraw that provision. Bush urged the congress to act quickly on this defense appropriation because they will need the money by the middle of the month. The congress is on a two week recess.
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Jesse said...


I'm curious to read more about your thoughts and opinions on these topics, to go along with the facts you're posting. What, for example, are your thoughts on the House vs Senate version of the spending bill, and what do you think about the predicament this puts Bush in?


AJT said...

Hi Jesse,
I specifically avoid giving opinons when I post because of the fact that I dont want people to be able to detect bias. I want people to be able to read an article w/o constantly being barraged by spin by political strategists. I am more than happy to give my opinions in the comment section of the blog but I specifically avoid that.
As far as what I think about this particular post. I think that since the democrats have control of congress and the senate they will have to remove the timetable provision. The democrats know that the public will not stand for the congress not to fund the trip while they are in harms way. I think that Bush is in a strong position on this issue even though he looks overall politically weak. I believe the goal for the democrats in this situation is to be seen as for the troops but against the war. It satisfies the hard left and the moderates in their party. I also think that this is a classic power struggle between the legislative branch and the executive branch. Neither side likes to be upstaged by the other. Both sides are trying to claim credit or blame the other side depending on the result. If they get their way they will claim victory if they lose they will claim the other side hindered their progress. We are also seeing that here in MN with the political standoff between the governor and the legislature during the legislative session.