Saturday, July 23, 2005

Politics of the economy

I dont know how many of you watch "Your World w/Neil Cavuto" of the Fox News Channel its considered to be the most watched business cable news show. He has an optimistic but yet realistic view when it comes to the economy.
I believe that it is the national medias goal to make Bush look as bad as possible. For example when the economy is bad they have to have it say why its bad almost everyday. However when the economy is getting better like now there is very little coverage of that or they continue in there assesment of how its not as good as it seems or that its short term growth.
Heres a little bit of international perspective. Our friends in Europe namely France and Germany are doing very bad economically because they have double digit unemployment. The worst it has gotten for us is 6% nationally some regions of the country are slightly higher. In fact the US is the only economy growing right now at 3%. The federal treasury is growing. Of course Congress will find a way to spend that and more. In fact the state of Minnesota will had a surplus of 286 million dollars ending the fiscal year June 30, 2005.
I want to address the issue of corporate corruption. During the roaring mid-late 90's our economy was growing but little did we know until Bush came in to office that part of the economy was fake. Fake in that some of the business plans that were put forward had no real substance. Nobody was minding the store. Where was the Clinton Justice department to make sure there wasnt fraudulent activity being committed. The Bush administration has had to clean up because the Clinton adminstration failed to provide adequate oversight of the business community. There is also the fact that Terry McCauliffe former chairman of the DNC who profited in the millions from Global Crossing which ended up in bankruptcy which had a similar structure as Enron. Now in the Bush White House you've had several convictions of CEO's for defrauding the public but will the administration get credit for that probably not. And there are several more trials to come namely former CEO of Enron Ken Lay. Now some claim that Enron got preferrential treatment because they gave money to the Bush campaign. Fact of the matter is that most corporations give money to both parties. They just give slightly more to theparty in power for obvious reasons.

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