Sunday, July 24, 2005

Some friendly advice to Muslim countries

I think that one of the ways that we deter terrorism is for Muslim countries to clean their own house. What do I mean by that?
Take some of your oil money and invest in education for your children and develop some of your infrastructure so that your people have a future worth working toward. The governments need to stop supporting the schools that preach hatred about Jews and Christians. Were not the problem. Extremists are the problem. You need to get the extremists under control.
Socioeconomics has been part of the problem as well. If you give young people a future then they will be less likley to want to join Al-Qaeda or become a suicide bomber. I realize the domestic politics of this in your countries is very difficult. You have for example Egypt which gets foreign aid from the United States yet spews hatred about the United States toward their own people. Saudi Arabia is probably in the best situation to get something like this done. Of course it wont happen over night. We have a lot of work in Iraq to do but it could be our first functioning democratic government in the Middle East. It is in the best interest of not only the Middle East but the rest of the world that Iraq become a stable and productive country.
I believe that when it comes down to it that this has more to do with economics than religion. Religion and terrorism to the extremists is just the means to an end. To have control over people so that they can indoctrinate their sick view to the rest of the world.

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