Saturday, May 06, 2006

Conventions endorse candidates

Congressional conventions endorsed candidates seeking the backing of their respective parties this weekend. Former Senator Rod Grams was endorsed as the republican candidate to run against incumbent DFL congressman Jim Oberstar. Grams entry into the race will make it somewhat more competitive than in recent races in the district but Grams faces an uphill battle with the entrenched incumbent.
State Senator Michele Bachmann won the republican endorsement of the 6th CD republicans beating out 3 other candidates. The 6th CD leans republican. Pres. Bush won the district with 57%.
State Representative Keith Ellison won the DFL endorsement of the 5th CD DFLers. Minneapolis is the heart of the district. Allan Fine is the republican endorsed candidate. The 5th district leans heavily DFL so Fine faces an uphill battle against Ellison. Ellison's competitors will most likely be his fellow democrats in the primary in September.
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