Friday, October 07, 2005

Senate passes anti-torture provision in Defense Appropriations bill to the objection of the White House

Vice-President Dick Cheney unsuccessfully lobbied republican senators to get rid of an amendment that more clearly clarifies how the military should treat detainees. The republican Senators on the Armed Service Committee McCain, Graham and Warner pushed the bill through despite objections from the White House and lobbying by Dick Cheney. The senators stated that they were concerned that they needed to act quickly to stem future problems in which they were concerned that soldiers were not clear about what conduct was acceptable with respect to the treatment of detainees. The vote was 90-9. It is unknown whether this will survive conference committee since the House does not have this in their version of the bill. A conference committee is required when there are differences in the bills from the House and Senate. Once the differences are worked out the bills are sent back to their respective chambers for a final vote.
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