Wednesday, August 17, 2005

ABA rates Roberts well qualified for Supreme Court

The American Bar Association has voted 14-0 to give Judge Roberts a well qualified rating. This comes as the Senate is expected to start committee hearings on his confirmation in September. He actually has a higher rating than the justice he is replacing. OConnor was rated well qualified as far as judicial temperment but only good as far as legal experience.
Liberal interest groups have been privately squabbling over the strategy of dealing with Roberts. They dont want to be perceived as being too harsh but dont want to give him a pass either. Some have argued that they want to wait till Chief Justice Rehnquist retires. Senator Patrick Leahy (D-VT) originally asked interest groups to hold their fire but in a recent press release stated that Roberts represented the right wing of the republican party then and now. Senator Leahy is currently the ranking member on the Senate Judiciary Committee. Roberts worked in both the Reagan and George H.W. Bush administrations. Roberts is currently serving as a federal appeals court judge in Washington, D.C.

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