Friday, August 26, 2005

Legislators vented during session; now its your turn at the State Fair

Have you ever wanted to tell a politician what you really think? Now is your chance at the state fair. Politicians of all political stripes will be there to answer questions at their respective booths. Trust me its worth the price of admission. Corporations and special interest groups pay big money to get one on one with these people. At least you wont get the run around by some Legislative Assistant who says that the member is not available and if you would like to leave a message. Actually members of both parties are nice people for the most part. The media plays up the partisanship a bit much at times. I realize that there are other parties out there but the Republicans and Democrats have the most members in government.
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1 comment:

AJT said...

Constituents do get a chance to meet with their Legislators during session. Unfortunately the vast majority of appointments are by lobbyists rather than constituents. I know that many legislators are hard working. But sometimes you want to talk to them away from the capitol. Toward the latter part of session it is generally harder to get a hold of a rep.
I guess I am confused because in the first part you say that members are not generally not available and then at the end you say they meet anyone who comes to their offices?
Generally members are available at the beginning of session because daily session and committees dont run their alotted time(usually 2 hr blocks) till it gets closer to committee deadlines.