Tuesday, August 09, 2005

CU set to release report regarding Ward Churchill in September

The University of Colorado is set to release a report in September regarding plagiarism of papers that he submitted to the university to become a professor there. Churchill became widely known after he made comments to the effect that the victims of 9/11 were partly to blame for their demise.


Anonymous said...

It seems to me that CU would only be bowing to the demands that he be fired because of his comments this many years after his application. No matter what you think of him, he can say whatever he wants as long as it's not "fire!" in a crowded theater. That's one of the great things about America; the knowledge that you can speak your mind without fear.

Anonymous said...

Great point! The author of this blog said this in his first post

"My goal for this blog is to be informed and motivated to keep America on the right path. Ultimately it is the right and responsibility of each citizen to exercise their constitutional rights bestowed by our Founding Fathers."

Does this apply to everyone or do we exclude Ward Churchill? Furthermore, this would not be an issue had he not exercised his "right bestowed" upon himself by our founders.

Sorry AJT, but what he said is protected by our constitution.

AJT said...

The issue about Churchill being potentially fired is not about his outrageous comments but the fact that he may have plagiarized a document that he submitted to the university to become a professor in Colorado. Another university has provided documentation of that to the university. He could be fired under those grounds. Now its up to CU to go through the process of figuring out what the evidence is and whether it rises to a firing offense. The investigation started because of his comments. The firing would also depend on what his contract allows him to do.
My purpose for the first post was that people would use their rights to further humanity in the cause of freedom. However every person has the right to decide for themselves what that will be. Heres a quote from another blogger that I think you'll find interesting.
from catherine "Having greater factual knowledge does not, of course, make anyone wiser or better. But it does make them more informed. And if you're not informed, it doesn't matter if you mean well. You will make a mistake that could have been avoided if you had been informed!

Sure, a lot of people are shut up in ivory towers and lose contact with the "real world." But a lot of well-informed academics aren't.

I know plenty of "ordinary people" who, due to their lack of factual knowledge, cannot put their goodness to use; in other words, although they may be very good people, they lack the knowledge that would help them distribute that good.

Professional intellectuals are the ones who can help facilitate the distribution of that good. Without profs, lawyers, and judges, all those ordinary people will be doing incoherent good. Plus, the intellectual life of the country will be stunted and isolated. No one will explore and distribute new ideas en masse.

Anonymous_Me said...

It is true that he is free to speak his mind so long as he does not violate laws or the policies of the university that hired him. At the same time, the REAL reason CU fires him is irrelevant as long as they have a legitimate and credible rationale. This man is a slimeball and a liar, and if he has given CU an excuse to fire him, they'd be fools not to take advantage of it.