Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Public employees deserve credit for service

When you think of public employees you probably dont think of a hard working dedicated professional. That is in fact the reality. While you only hear about public employees when there is fraud and abuse there are many out there who are out there doing their best to serve the public sometimes at the sacrifice of their own families. So next time you hear about a story about a public employee gone bad know that there are many more dedicated to serving you the public.


Anonymous said...

Public employees are lazy and over paid. As a conservative/political analyst, you should be outraged at the expansion of government ober the past years -- and that the state has become on of the largest employers. Who do you do analysis for?

Anonymous said...

Are you a Democrat? Seems like it. It's important information that I think your fans deserve to know!

AJT said...

This site is meant to be give the public information from a non-partisan perspective. I also reserve to editorialize as I see necessary. There are plenty of conservative blogs out there. As to your reference to public employees, the issue you are referring to is more of a legislative issue. I agree that government has expanded but that was not the point of the post. There are many dedicated professionals in public service who never get the credit they deserve. May be you need to stop drinking the Kool Aid as Bill Oreilly would say. One of the reasons that I started this blog was that there is so much rhetoric out there from the left and right that most people just want accurate information. If you want just conservative points of view then my site is not for you.

Anonymous said...


what do you think about this past session?

Anonymous said...

i mean special session and the gov shutdown?

Anonymous said...

you still don't answer for whom you analyze. and you comment that the employees should get credit, then immediately back away from that when questioned. people may want non-partisan discussion, but they do want people who can stand up for their beliefs.

AJT said...

I already posted a post session of 2005 on my blog. I also commented on the war on terrorism. My comments were directed toward not the politicians but to the people who work behind the scene. I do take a stand when I feel its necessary but for the average joe they just want information.

Anonymous said...

Who do you do analysis for?

Anonymous said...

You have that listed as occupation

Anonymous said...

you're still not answering the questions--did you take lessons in avoidance from President Clinton?

AJT said...

I am not a paid political consultant to anyone. You are the reason that many people do not participate in politics. You dont care about politics. I also find it interesting that you remain anonymous. I guess your more interested indealogy than policy. Sadly we probably agree on issues more than you might think. You might want to read some of the other postings.

Anonymous said...

Funny thing to make up a career, and to accuse people you don't even know. I happen to work in politics, soo to say I'm the reason people don't like politics is incredibly harsh. As a matter of fact, I've worked on several successful campaigns and gotten many people involved. And it's ideology.

AJT said...

I have worked in politics myself. As a political professinal you probably know that now people are more issue oriented rather than party oriented. Now it is the party's job to get them to vote for the candidate based on the issue.

Anonymous_Me said...

Andy, you can't really divorce policy from ideology because ideology is one of the things that directs policy and it also plays a determining role in the evaluation of policy. For example, to most conservatives, tax policies that increase growth and revenue are good, but to the Left, policies that do these things are bad if they also increase the gap between high income earners and everybody else. The question of whether we are to favor economic excellence and economic liberty or economic equality is ultimately a question of ideology or philosphy more than it is one of policy. Party allegiance is far from dead, and ideology is one of the criteria by which people choose their allegiances and alliances.

AJT said...

I dont want to suggest that ideology does not matter. However ideology does not matter to the degree that it did many years ago. Your average voter votes on the issue. Most Americans are right down the middle. Some issue they are liberal and some more conservative. I wont say that political parties are dead but they dont have the power they used to. It provides a new opportunity for the parties to attract voters. I take it you guys have not been involved in the legislative process. There is a big difference between espousing your views and getting it passed in the form of legislation.

Anonymous_Me said...

And hat determines how they vote on the issue? Do you think it is always self-interest, or do you think voters care about what they believe is good for their country--and what determines what they believe is good for their country? You seem to believe that people's ideas about what is good and what is bad, and their ideas about how life works, play marginal roles in their voting. I disagree. More importantly, I resent the way you talk down to me and to others. If you want people to keep reading you, you need to stop presuming people should listen to you. You may think people should accept your opinions just because of your credentials, but, in case you haven't noticed, that is not the way things work on the web. You have to prove you know what you're talking about before anyone will listen to you.

AJT said...

I do not want to suggest that I have the all the answers. I think most people vote for what they think is in the best interest of the country for the most part. My point here is that most people are not partisan activists. Political activists believe that their way is the only way all the time. The reality is that party influence is less of a factor in the voting booth today than 30 years.

AJT said...

My concern is that you guys seem to get upset with me if I dont agree with you. As I said before my blog is meant to be informational. I also reserve the right to editorialize when necessary. You certainly have the right to your own opinion. One of things I that I do for my site is that the stuff I write I make sure it is accurate. If its not I correct it as quickly as possible.