Sunday, August 07, 2005

Russian submarine rescued

After getting caught up in some wiring a Russian submarine was rescued after help from the British and the United States. They used an unmanned underwater vehicle to cut the wire that was preventing the submarine from surfacing. All the crew members survived. Nearly five years ago Russia suffered an embarassing loss when they refused help after a submarine went down and other countries offered their expertise. Several crew members perished in that accident.


Anonymous_Me said...

What I'm wondering is why Russians have these problems with their submarines. I wonder what they're doing out there, anyway.

AJT said...

I think its because they arent keeping up with maintenance. I also think that they are trying to protect some of that territory from China.

Anonymous said...

The Russian Navy is pretty good about maintenance. If you'll remember, the sub got stuck on an underground antenna. No matter how great your maintenance system is, if you get caught underwater your sub is going to be in distress. Also, if you think the Russians are worried about the Chinese you must not pay a whole lot of attention to history or the present political climate. Putin isn't exactly going forward with perestroika.

Anonymous said...

Please explaine why the Russians have to protect their teritory from China? If I recall the sub was stuck in Beryozovaya Bay, which is the North Pacific ocean Geographics show us that the sub was closer to American interests and territory then China. The sub was stuck at 160 degrees east longitude the eastern part of China starts at 130 degrees longitude. With this said why was china selected by america's promise as a threat to the Russian's teritory

AJT said...

I believe that they use the submarines to patrol the area because it is a desolate part of Russia. If someone has more information on this it would be appreciated.
I would disagree with you on China. China has the largest standing army in the world so Russia has reason to worry about protecting that part which borders with Russia. Although I would say that that is the least of Russias problems right now.

Anonymous said...

What? what reson would china have to become hostile to Russia? What purpose would that serve?

AJT said...

China would like to become the rival to the United States. Taking on Russia might help them in that effort. I dont know if this would be militarily but if the perception was there. Let me know your thoughts.