Monday, September 19, 2005

N.O. Mayor suspends re-entry due to Tropical Storm Rita

As if Katrina didnt do enough damage to the Gulf Coast, the mayor is now forced to evacuate residents for a second time. Louisiana may get hit again by another hurricane from the east. Tropical Storm Rita's path is projected to the Gulf Coast. Rita may pick up strength in the Gulf of Mexico after it gets past Florida.
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1 comment:

Isaac M. Alderman said...

I feel for the mayor, but he is making some serious mistakes. When we elect our mayors, maybe we should think of worst-case scenarios. He may be good at some things, but working in a crisis or having the courage to let other, more qualified, people make some decisions appear not to be his strengths. I'm of the opinion that steady wins the race in this situation. Allowing for significant infrasturcture repair first (particularly flood walls) and then local businesses to prepare for the repopulation of the city may not be the fastest course, but I think that it is better than having a city full of unemployed citizens with a battered infrastructure. Nagin may be too concerned with winning back the favor of his constituency with a speedy repopulation. But if one person dies becuase the battered city can't withstand Rita, he is going to be called out by the administration. This will give the Bush team a real goat (even better than "Brownie") to demonstrate that the failure was bottom up.